The name of your App is searchable as well, giving you extra keywords for free if you give yourself a good descriptive name. Which means longer game titles (abbreviated for the iPhone screen) work to the developer's advantage. Also, if your name has elements that are parts of other game names, you can see a small boost. For example, when the game "Rogue Planet" came out last year, searches for it also listed "Rogue Touch" since I was already in the store! That means people who missed me earlier in the year got an extra chance to find out about RT, and hence a few extra sales a day occurred for a while

Where's this heading? Well, I had chosen the working title "Fatal Fantasy: Spirit Hunter Mineko", partly as a friendly jab at Final Fantasy, and partly because I could make the name fit the story better than "Final Fantasy" fits a game series that never seems to finalize... they're on #13 now right? I envision a trilogy of games myself, so having a common binder name helps

Well, I doubt that my working name would have been a problem before the announcements this week of Final Fantasy I and II coming to the iPhone. With them bringing the series in, things would be interesting for a while and I'd see some boost in sales due to searches grouping me in with them. However, it could be considered too similar to their trademarked name and I could end up looking at a takedown notice from them and Apple. Only in theory of course, but there is precedent being set for this activity in the App Store. This probably would never happen unless FFSHM actually became popular and hung out in the top RPGs for a long time. A guy can dream

So what's a poor little indie dev to do? Carry on with the name that's kind of grown into the project and vice-versa, or worry about what *might* happen... then try to come up with something that wouldn't raise the ire of Square-Enix someday? I could easily trim "Fatal Fantasy" from the name and keep the rest intact, but as I said the trilogy would need some sort of common name to bind them together.
Curious to see if anyone has some thoughts on this matter they'd like to share

PS- I know I should probably start a blog for this sort of talk, but I guess I'm old fashioned... I like these forums!