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Re: 1.2 Bugs

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:04 am
by CommanderData
lr100 wrote:Ok, downloaded 1.2 and have been playing for awhile now. The double tap to move is *way* better now, thank you! No more accidentally running past things. Overall it looks good. I have found two problems though:

1) Monsters tend to disappear when you run away from them. Started noticing this now. I am running down the hall and the slime disappears even though its there two squares back. In the next screen shot, I move back one square so you can see that the slime is really there. This makes it so you can't shoot arrows and such because the monster doesn't show up.

2) Double tap to run has one problem left. If you are in a corridor that is two units wide instead of the regular one unit, double tap will never run in one direction. It will just advance one spot and stop.

Tried it several times to make sure that it was indeed a bug.
1) The slime one is not a bug, but an attribute of slimes, when they are not actively attacking, they only get to move every other turn!

2) I can see what you're saying with the hallway there and I think I know what causes that. Our code looks at your position in a hallway and the one you step into next. If there is a way to turn 90 degrees and keep moving, it's deemed an intersection of some sort and you stop. Essentially that hallway is looped back on itself with no gap and it looks like a big string of intersections to our rogue's tiny primitive brain :ugeek: Not sure how we can make him smart enough to see that one yet. Fortunately those type of hallways are not common...

Re: Bug Reports

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:07 am
by CommanderData
LordGek wrote:Hey CD ( this time the update was REAL and not the App Store wigging out),

Not sure this is a bug, I'm thinking it is by design, but your whole "Armor Value" stuff is very contradictory and confusing.

I'm currently wearing +1 Chain mail. My inventory says this is Armor Class 7 but up top with my character stats I have AC 4. So you seem to be combining both the classic AD&D (convoluted in my book) AC system for the character stats up top but using another standard in the inventory and messages.

I personally prefer the concept of the higher AC # meaning greater protection as the AD&D system for this may be unknown to many and, frankly, was always a bit confusing IMHO.
Glad you got the update OK! iTunes and the Apple Servers have been wild tonight too :D

We had one reviewer who didn't care for the AC style we used either! Maybe we can change the designations on screen so that they make more sense. Just need to make sure everyone's on board with the change so we don't cause more confusion in the switch!

Re: 1.2 Bugs

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:05 am
by lr100
CommanderData wrote:
lr100 wrote:Ok, downloaded 1.2 and have been playing for awhile now. The double tap to move is *way* better now, thank you! No more accidentally running past things. Overall it looks good. I have found two problems though:

1) Monsters tend to disappear when you run away from them. Started noticing this now. I am running down the hall and the slime disappears even though its there two squares back. In the next screen shot, I move back one square so you can see that the slime is really there. This makes it so you can't shoot arrows and such because the monster doesn't show up.

2) Double tap to run has one problem left. If you are in a corridor that is two units wide instead of the regular one unit, double tap will never run in one direction. It will just advance one spot and stop.

Tried it several times to make sure that it was indeed a bug.
1) The slime one is not a bug, but an attribute of slimes, when they are not actively attacking, they only get to move every other turn!

Right, I know that. But this bug happens with other creatures as well, such as Krestel. Its not a movement bug but a disappearing when they are more than a couple squares away bug.

2) I can see what you're saying with the hallway there and I think I know what causes that. Our code looks at your position in a hallway and the one you step into next. If there is a way to turn 90 degrees and keep moving, it's deemed an intersection of some sort and you stop. Essentially that hallway is looped back on itself with no gap and it looks like a big string of intersections to our rogue's tiny primitive brain :ugeek: Not sure how we can make him smart enough to see that one yet. Fortunately those type of hallways are not common...

Re: Bug Reports

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:08 am
by lr100
Also one more bug. This time it causes the app to hang. So what happens is that I double tap to run and seeing something that I want to stop for I panic and sometimes tap real fast to stop running in the center of the app. This causes the inventory screen to come up for like half a second, then it disappears and we are back to the game screen but its frozen. I have to quit and restart. It does remember my position which is good though. I think what is happening is that RT interprets my action as a double tap or multiple taps in the center and while the inventory screen is coming up it thinks the center got tapped again or something and freezes.

Re: Bug Reports

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:26 am
by CommanderData
lr100 wrote:Also one more bug. This time it causes the app to hang. So what happens is that I double tap to run and seeing something that I want to stop for I panic and sometimes tap real fast to stop running in the center of the app. This causes the inventory screen to come up for like half a second, then it disappears and we are back to the game screen but its frozen. I have to quit and restart. It does remember my position which is good though. I think what is happening is that RT interprets my action as a double tap or multiple taps in the center and while the inventory screen is coming up it thinks the center got tapped again or something and freezes.
You must have some *fast* fingers. I am trying to duplicate what you describe here but I can't get it to freeze for the life of me. I start my rogue running down a long hall and then double tap in the center- the inventory comes up normally and stays there. When I exit out of inventory everything is normal. Can you try rebooting your phone? Hold power and the home button for 10 or 15 seconds I think is what you need for a total clean boot. Let me know what happens...

If anyone else can duplicate this, let me know too. I'd like to know more about it if it's not solved with a reboot of the device.

Re: Bug Reports

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:52 am
by lr100
CommanderData wrote:
lr100 wrote:Also one more bug. This time it causes the app to hang. So what happens is that I double tap to run and seeing something that I want to stop for I panic and sometimes tap real fast to stop running in the center of the app. This causes the inventory screen to come up for like half a second, then it disappears and we are back to the game screen but its frozen. I have to quit and restart. It does remember my position which is good though. I think what is happening is that RT interprets my action as a double tap or multiple taps in the center and while the inventory screen is coming up it thinks the center got tapped again or something and freezes.
You must have some *fast* fingers. I am trying to duplicate what you describe here but I can't get it to freeze for the life of me. I start my rogue running down a long hall and then double tap in the center- the inventory comes up normally and stays there. When I exit out of inventory everything is normal. Can you try rebooting your phone? Hold power and the home button for 10 or 15 seconds I think is what you need for a total clean boot. Let me know what happens...

If anyone else can duplicate this, let me know too. I'd like to know more about it if it's not solved with a reboot of the device.
Maybe its a triple tap or something!

Re: Bug Reports

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:47 am
by Derrick
Just to say firstly what a great app, spend most of my free time playing this "classic" game

My iPod Touch is a 32Gb 9MB376ZO 1st gen model running 2.21 (5H11)
I experienced the save game corruption maybe 5-6 times to date running both v1, 1.1 Rogue touch.
I've download version 1.2 (great job btw) and into my first game I seem to have a corrupted inventory, I can play the game fine but when I open my inventory it crashes back to my home screen. I've just started a new game no problem. Just thought I'd let you know.


Further to this CD, No the game was a new one for 1.2 and the iPod was just rebooted so I had not been surfing, rogue touch was my app of choice (now apparently my only choice...must resist urge to play...). At some point I may try a complete wipe/reset of the touch but for obvious reasons I've been putting that off)

Re: Bug Reports

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:20 am
by CommanderData
Derrick wrote:Just to firstly what a great app, spend most of my free time playing this "classic" game

My iPod Touch is a 32Gb 9MB376ZO 1st gen model running 2.21 (5H11)
I experienced the save game corruption maybe 5-6 times to date running both v1, 1.1 Rogue touch.
I've download version 1.2 (great job btw) and into my first game I seem to have a corrupted inventory, I can play the game fine but when I open my inventory it crashes back to my home screen. I've just started a new game no problem. Just thought I'd let you know.

Thanks for the report Derrick-- Did this happen on both a new game and attempting to resume that same game? Or did you just start over when it occured? Based on how it works, if your inventory/savegame was corrupted it would very likely crash as you re-opened the game. We did see a report of that, and delete/reinstall fixed it.

Yours sounds different... maybe a low memory problem? Were you listening to music at the same time? Do you do web browsing on it? That one gives us problems on our iPhones here... Let me know if you have any more problems, and try a reboot too. If the same thing happened after rebooting your device and before you played music or browsed the web we may be able to narrow it down to the real culprit :D

Re: Bug Reports

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:05 pm
by DaveH
Here's a bug I just found: I picked up some arrows, which reported as +2/+2 arrows of freezing (hurray!). But when I went into the inventory, they got grouped into the existing batch of plain old +0/+0 arrows (aww, man!)

After some thought, I did figure out how to get them back -- I force-quit the game by holding in the home button until the game closed, then when i resumed i was back at the start of the level. I dumped by 30 regular arrows before picking up the freezing ones and now I have them. :-)

And fwiw, I too have experienced the crash when going down the stairs problem, at least twice. It makes you replay the entire prior level which on later levels can be quite annoying! While not a fix, maybe if you could write the save file right before going down the stairs and then again right after, so if this crash occurs at least we can resume at the end of the level instead of the start?


Re: Bug Reports

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:56 pm
by Zakia
I just picked up 2 scrolls, conveniently of the same name. I read it and I got "Your hands begin to glow red." However, this is a scroll of monster confusion, and I honestly think glowy hands are irrelevant and possibly have to do with str/weapon buffs. Is this a mistake or just really bad speculation?