A few questions for you all:
1) How many unique monster types do you feel there should be in a "rogue-like" game. Obviously the original loved by all had 26 monsters (to make it easy to represent with letters of the alphabet)... we have no such limitation right now. My only real concern is memory, and cost to draw and animate all the little buggers. So, what you do think?
2) What do you think an interesting monster would be to find in the dungeons? While I won't give away too much on the types of stats and capabilities your persona will have yet, I can say there will be more stats than simply "Strength" and "Hit Points" now. Which means monsters should be capable of doing new kinds of nasty things to you. If you have an old Dungeons and Dragons favorite, or some other game, or some wild critter rattling around in your head, let it out here...
Some details in public for discussion are appreciated, but if you have something really interesting and unique please PM me the info, so it can be a surprise as other people discover the monster in the finished game. If you do PM, please be as detailed as you can with your ideas, sample photos or links to more info are appreciated too!

Here's an opportunity to help shape the game into something great... Tell me what lurking horrors we should have! I will comment on things here and eventually we'll move this post to a new subforum for the secret project.

Thanks in advance for your input!