A new game is born in a new year...

The Secret Project (Part 1) - Available as soon as she is done! :)
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A new game is born in a new year...

Post by CommanderData »

First, I want to say thank you to the many fans of Rogue Touch that I have met and corresponded with over the course of 2009. We've had some ups and downs, and a lot of fun. There's still quite a bit of life left in RT, she'll be getting an update or two with some interesting features soon. RT has a permanent spot on my iPhone, and I think many of you reading this would agree it's become an iPhone classic :D

But yet we need and crave more! The drive to create something that has rogue-like roots but appeals to a wider audience has been consuming much of my free time over the past several months. A few people know bits and pieces of my thoughts, and a new game design has been slowly evolving based on a variety of external forces.

Those of you following my Twitter feed know I've been working with artists and trying to bring this concept to life. I thought a little status update would be a nice holiday gift to everyone, so here we go:

I had started thinking about this back in April/May 2009, but due to my "day job" commitments design was held up for months. It began in earnest back in August/September of 2009. Once I thought I had the right base direction I started with an artist. My direction changed dramatically in the following month, and I had to scrap the artwork we'd come up with. $2,000 in the hole already, and nothing to show for it I put out a new call for help and got ahold of some excellent people. My primary sprite artist has worked on a number of Nintendo DS games including Lock's Quest and Might and Magic - Clash of Heroes (just released this month!). The other artists are very talented as well, but no big budget games to their credit yet. I even have one nice guy already working on stuff for the next game after this new one! :lol:

So at this point we're way behind initial plans... The scope of this is large enough that it's become quite a project to manage. Gone are the days of Rogue Touch where it was pretty much just me and the Mac. Now I'm trying to coordinate (maybe juggle is a better term) the tasks of about a 1/2 dozen people plus continue my "day job". We've still got almost 2 months of artwork to do! Music and SFX have not even begun, and coding is still in very early stages with nothing recognizably playable. If everything goes to plan I will take a select group of people to help beta test and refine the final product sometime later in February, with an eventual release in March 2010.

I apologize in advance if the schedule shifts around a bit. This is my first "big budget" affair, while still small by game budget standards, is taking well into five figures of my own personal money (so far)!

Most of the game details will remain secret for a bit longer... but this game will have rogue-like traits mixed with an actual storyline, and combining traits of Pokemon, Shiren the Wanderer, and Diablo! The game's story will tell the first part of what I plan to be a multi-game epic arc if everyone likes it and I don't go broke in the process :mrgreen:

Leaderboards were a really fun part of Rogue Touch, and we're planning something even more amazing for this game... it will take advantage of features of a major iPhone online game service... I won't say which one right now, that's a surprise! :P

Anyway, I'll cut this short with a little teaser image for you all... The iPhone size images on this poster are simple pre-production shots... none of this is final yet, but hope you enjoy it anyway!

Happy Holidays Everyone!! :D

For continued status reports and tidbits please follow me on twitter

Coming Winter/Spring 2010...
Fatal Fantasy: Spirit Hunter Mineko (Working Title)

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Re: A new game is born in a new year...

Post by NightOwl40 »

That looks awesome, CD :D and well worth waiting for ;) Happy Holidays to you also :)
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:19 pm

Re: A new game is born in a new year...

Post by ejfarraro »

Wow, I've been wondering what this game is going to look like; didn't know there was any teaser already available. After seeing this, I can't wait!
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