Feature Requests for Rogue Touch

Discussion about Rogue Touch for the iPhone and iPod Touch
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Re: Feature Requests for Rogue Touch

Post by CommanderData »

gaerisl wrote:First off, Thank you for being such a receptive developer. It really is very nice to know that feedback is actually being read!
Congrats on launch, and for producing a very good port of rogue.

Basically, I am a veteran player of the TI-89 calculator version of rogue (I think it's called CalcRogue), a fairly developed game. So, I guess you can say I'm a bit spoiled. In any case, there are a load of good features on that version of the TI-89 rogue that I feel made the game very, very good. While I understand it may seem like I'm asking you to make a copy of another game and ditch your own originality (or make an un-faithful-to-original version of rogue), i am not, please do not take it that way. Instead, I am trying to give insight into some features that would make the game much, much more enjoyable for everyone.

in any case, lets get down to the brunt of it...

1) light radius/fog of war/vision range-
-whatever you call it, The TI-89 version of the game had a critical difference: it breaks down like this:
-areas where you have not seen (black, you already have this feature)
-areas where you can see (lit up, you have this feature)
-areas where you have seen but cannot see right now (gray-ed out, or shaded).
Your engine already sort-of distinguishes between out-of-range-vision and in-range-vision (as seen in the dark rooms). that's fine. the annoyance and lack of features comes in to play in areas that are not intentionally dark, where you have already visited. (for example, those hallways). it appears as if you can can see everything (as all the squares are lit up) but you really don't (as you can not see a monster two or three squares away from you, but it appears lit, like you CAN see what's on the square).

from this, you could also do light-vision radius rings/modifications.
Also, another nice (but real pain to program) would be vision lines-of-sight, that allow you to see diagonal around edges and through doors (imagine standing diagonal to a door, now make yourself into a bishop chess piece. what you can see beyond the door is everything along the line of movement as a bishop chess piece... limited by your vision range, though). And what i meant by "around edges" is more for corners, where you can see along the straight diagonal around a wall, but the areas "blocked" by the wall, you cannot see. (for example, you walk parallel to the side of a house (about 2 feet away from the wall)... and as you clear the corner, more view is _gradually_ unfolded for you to see). (kind of like "slicing the pie" if you play paintball or airsoft.)

2)Hidden shops. (of random size, with random items. probably with extremely expensive prices.)
(Use that gold to buy stuff, hog useless items to sell)
2.b) the ability to go UP stairs
(probably just another type of tile, right?) If there are shops, there is a need to return to them =D... (in case you don't find more further down..)

3)These are all equipment related-
3a) Damage ranges listed (ex: bow: 1-5 damage, dagger: 1-4 damage, longsword:1-6 damage. spear: 2-8 damage)
3b) Identification on equip (I've only played for about an two hours- correct me if i am wrong- only cursed equipment identifies itself upon equip. everything else- ring, weapons, etc doesn't get identified upon wearing.)
Identification on equip makes it more fun for two reasons: you don't need one scroll of identify for every weapon/armor/ring. Second, there's a greed/risk element to it. get greedy and identify a new item, or avoid, for risk of being cursed? it'll get more people to get trapped in cursed equipment >D
3c) randomized equipment stat/quality (broken bow:1-2 damage. bow:2-5 damage, superior bow:3-6 damage, etc)
it'll also make people wait for the perfect weapon to apply those enchant scrolls =D
3d) more Identification scrolls (well, appearance rate is fine right now if identification on equipping feature is included).

4) a manual on game mechanics
What is this mean? "A +1,+0 Mace" ? what is +1 and +0 describing? +min damage and +max damage? what is the damage range? i have no clue?

5) room geometry
no offense, but i've been halfway down to level 26, and room geometries are all the same: is there a way to fix the generating algorithm so that there are tighter packed and smaller boxes as rooms? maybe even pillar areas and stuff? (or like, the TI89 version had changing landscape as you got further down- around lvl 20, it changed to a randomized city landscape. that was a real rush first time seeing it.)

6) local and global high scores. It's fun to compete against friends (separate iphones), but not on the global top 10 list. the global top 10 list will probably look like "1. no-life-person.... 2. no life person.... 3. no life person... 4.no life person.......... 9. lucky person.. 10)no life person". so it's impossible for most people to get into the top 10 (once this game becomes really popular)... so, the local high scores (probably done through manual score transmission/merging) will be more fun for groups of friends.

in any case, sorry for the long post. I hope you'll give these suggestions a good thought. please feel free email me if you feel like discussing any of these. talking about this stuff makes me wanna bust out programming =P. lol.

thanks for listening,

Now that I have a bit more time to talk I want to say thank you very much for the long and detailed post. I was not familiar with CalcRogue so I did a bit of reading up on it. Based on what I learned it's definitely a more advanced rogue-like, and not a direct port. It does look quite impressive, obviously being used to playing a game of that nature (or Nethack or Angband or ADOM) would make you feel as though there's something missing in a more streamlined game based on the original bad boy, Rogue.

I'll try to address your thoughts with a few of my own in each case:

1) Light Radius / Fog / Field of View -
You do bring up an interesting point. We based our visibility code on how Rogue behaved in the PC DOS and Atari ST versions (of which I spent entirely too much time playing :mrgreen:). As far as I can tell it behaves identically, despite being hand coded by me. Not to say there is no room for improvement though!

I agree that hallways or dark rooms that were previously visited could benefit from a small touch to differentiate them. It also may not be obvious to new players when in a hallway you can only see *one* square in front and behind you, which is why you'll frequently be surprised in hallways. Unless you happen to drink a potion of Clairvoyance that is (then the little buggers show up on your mini-map at all times for the rest of that level). I was thinking that maybe the "grid dot" that is centered on every tile (for distance checking, use it to know how many turns you have before that beast is on top of you ;) ) should be invisible on hallway tiles that are not in your light radius. An added touch is they could be a slightly darker color too, to bring the effect of lighting the path better.

The more advanced discussion of field of view I'll save for our future Rogue-like project, which will likely be designed to support such things from the beginning :lol:

2) Rogue had no shops of course, and some users definitely don't want to spoil that authentic Rogue experience. Others are desperate to see it added! Being pulled in a couple of directions makes it probable that there will be a classic and advanced game choice. Classic will probably not be altered much beyond the version 1.1 release gameplay unless some better controls or options are devised. 1.2 would then offer a toggle for advanced mode. A semi-random shop will almost certainly make it into version 1.2.

2b) Going up stairs can only be accomplished in Rogue when you have retrieved the Amulet of Yendor. It would be easy to change but it would horribly break with Rogue tradition and I would likely receive death threats! When someone cares enough to threaten your life, you have to listen ;) There will be a risk that you'll miss a secret door or fall through a pit trap and miss the shop, but that will just keep the challenge level at a reasonable level.

3) For those who like stats and knowing the capabilities of your items, we'll be adding a FAQ sometime soon that will eventually cover even the nerdiest details of the game :ugeek: I'd prefer to keep them out of the game itself as they were not available in the original, plus the details screen may get crowded and we still have a few plans for it.

3b) If you don't have a scroll of identify handy the only way to determine what an item is capable of is to use it of course. Even then, it may not have an obvious effect. In Rogue Touch, any usage that has an obvious effect, such as zapping a troll and seeing it burst into flames, causes that item to be identified. That applies to armor, scrolls, potions, and wands/staves. Rings are intentionally unclear, because most of the time when you put one on its effects are not immediately known. Weapons used to be in that same boat, but in version 1.1 when you attack and successfully hit a monster the weapon you are wielding is identified! The thought is, you used it so you know it's effect on the monster! :D

3c) These type of features will definitely go into a more advanced rogue-like someday!

3d) See 3b- this should lower the need for identify scrolls a bit, but they'll still be a valuable item to have!

4) The +X, +Y terminology is carried over from the original and probably dates to Dungeons & Dragons prior to that. A Mace +1, +2 means that you get a +1 chance to hit, and a +2 to any damage caused when you hit. Like Dungeons & Dragons, your chance to hit is a random roll of 1-20, and you need to meet or exceed a certain value. That value is based on the monster's armor rating, your level, strength, and modifiers on your weapon (the +1 in my example).

5) Rogue's room geometry is based on a 3x3 grid laid out in an 80x24 area (those values correspond to an old text terminal view obviously, since that's where Rogue came from). The mechanisms used to generate the dungeon are patterned with extreme care to match the original, including room sizes, twisty passages, and mazes in the deeper levels. A more advanced world map like the one you've seen in CalcRogue would definitely be seen in a game like Angband (which we're considering a remake of).

6) Global high scores is rapidly approaching the most requested feature status. My biggest problem is that's beyond my current realm of expertise, and I need to do a bunch of research before I can implement them! :oops: We definitely want a detailed global ranking board, probably with stats on the game played beyond just your "score" or gold quantity- things like your rank, deepest dungeon floor, number of moves made in the game, monsters killed. That way you could rank in one or more categories! Once we have figured out *how* to do this, we'll ask for everyone's suggestions on what stats should be tracked!
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Re: Feature Requests for Rogue Touch

Post by CommanderData »

gaerisl wrote:i agree with the on/off option for additional features in rogue. I have not yet tried the new v1.1 yet, however, after hearing the of the new super-armors and the auto-notification system of the existence of it, i'm a little worried that the game will all of a sudden become much too easy- and scoreboards will be filled with lots and lots of people going all the way to lvl 26 and coming back up with no sweat.

i have no complaints about extra features. just keep the game hard. lol.
Oh yes, we'll keep it difficult!

I actually have a multi-difficultly level idea I've been tossing around in my head for a while that would even ramp up the challenge more with a "nightmare" mode if you so desired to beat your head against the wall :lol:

You'll see that the powerful items do not upset gameplay dramatically. If anything they make you a bit more foolishly confident! I've been playtesting starting on level one with weapons more powerful than you can currently receive even in version 1.1's "super items" and I've only made it back to the surface with the amulet one time so far... :twisted:
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Re: Feature Requests for Rogue Touch

Post by lr100 »

CommanderData wrote:
lr100 wrote:Please don't add much new to the game! I know this is counter intuitive, but what makes people buy Rogue Touch is that is reminds them of the "good old days" of gaming. Plus the game as currently implemented is really just about right. I am worried that as you add more and more features, you turn the game from Rogue Touch into SomethingElse Touch. The look and feel, the game play, and the game balance are all what draws me to play the game. I really would hate to see it spoiled by adding new uneccessary things. I would suggest that you create a new game with lots of "cool" features in it and leave this one as is. Please don't spoil it!
Thank you for the passionate argument against updates!! :lol:

I do agree completely with the idea that tinkering too much makes it very much SomethingElse Touch!

Version 1.1 is mainly for control and misc feature enhancements. The few new pieces of equipment should not upset the apple cart (so to speak), especially seeing that depending on which classic rogue you used to play, there may have already been shurikens, katanas, and hallucination potions. There are a few extra magic effects that can be received on weapons, but the odds are highly stacked toward normal Rogue equipment. Basically, version 1.1 is probably a near perfect balance point.

I think that version 1.2 and 1.3 will definitely bring changes that are too advanced for a "vanilla" rogue... (think of those changes as a test-bed for something more advanced like Angband). We will probably need to have an option for classic versus advanced gameplay modes. I'd say our user group is about 60-40 split right now between people who've played at least one Roguelike, and those that are being exposed to rogue for the first time now! Does that mean that classic should be the default gameplay style? As always, I'd really like to hear more opinions on this! :mrgreen:
I would recommend that if you are going to add more stuff to this game (rather than release a completely different game RoguePro or something) that you add one button to the main screen at start up time. So rather than seeing "New Game", Resume Game, Hall of Fame, you see instead:

New Classic Game
New Enhanced Game
Resume Game
Hall of Fame

Then people could choose which version to play at startup time (resume game would resume either one). You could even add a column in the hall of fame screen that shows which version of the game the record was set in, or have a separate tab in the Hall of Fame screen that shows the results for each version of the game.

That way it would be completely separate games and in fact might offer even more game play since people could then try and beat the game in both versions.
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In game store

Post by Mbrandt21 »

I have a suggestion, an In game store would be nice because currently money is of no use, oh also if you do put this in the future update, you should allow people to keep their current game
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Re: Feature Requests for Rogue Touch

Post by Zakia »

a) A scroll that will allow you to transform ammunition/thrown items into one type. This will make people who prefer ranged combat more confident (Ammunition/Thrown items are awefully rare) in taking that choice of attack.

EX: You have 12 crossbow bolts, 2 arrows, and a bow. You can use a scroll of transformation to change either the 2 arrows into 2 bolts, or 12 bolts into arrows. You would obviously transform the bolts, making what seems like useless baggage useful.
(I can't explain it better)

B) You have *GOT* to require less searching. It took me like 50 turns to find a secret door once. I think that the amount of time it takes is a prevention of uber-scanning a level, but some dead ends dumbstrike me when I search for like 30 seconds to no avail. Searching has become very misleading instead of very abusable, which is livable, but please reveal any hidden doors within 10 searches.
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Re: Feature Requests for Rogue Touch

Post by Detzlink »

lr100 wrote:
CommanderData wrote:
lr100 wrote:Please don't add much new to the game! I know this is counter intuitive, but what makes people buy Rogue Touch is that is reminds them of the "good old days" of gaming. Plus the game as currently implemented is really just about right. I am worried that as you add more and more features, you turn the game from Rogue Touch into SomethingElse Touch. The look and feel, the game play, and the game balance are all what draws me to play the game. I really would hate to see it spoiled by adding new uneccessary things. I would suggest that you create a new game with lots of "cool" features in it and leave this one as is. Please don't spoil it!
Thank you for the passionate argument against updates!! :lol:

I do agree completely with the idea that tinkering too much makes it very much SomethingElse Touch!

Version 1.1 is mainly for control and misc feature enhancements. The few new pieces of equipment should not upset the apple cart (so to speak), especially seeing that depending on which classic rogue you used to play, there may have already been shurikens, katanas, and hallucination potions. There are a few extra magic effects that can be received on weapons, but the odds are highly stacked toward normal Rogue equipment. Basically, version 1.1 is probably a near perfect balance point.

I think that version 1.2 and 1.3 will definitely bring changes that are too advanced for a "vanilla" rogue... (think of those changes as a test-bed for something more advanced like Angband). We will probably need to have an option for classic versus advanced gameplay modes. I'd say our user group is about 60-40 split right now between people who've played at least one Roguelike, and those that are being exposed to rogue for the first time now! Does that mean that classic should be the default gameplay style? As always, I'd really like to hear more opinions on this! :mrgreen:
I would recommend that if you are going to add more stuff to this game (rather than release a completely different game RoguePro or something) that you add one button to the main screen at start up time. So rather than seeing "New Game", Resume Game, Hall of Fame, you see instead:

New Classic Game
New Enhanced Game
Resume Game
Hall of Fame

Then people could choose which version to play at startup time (resume game would resume either one). You could even add a column in the hall of fame screen that shows which version of the game the record was set in, or have a separate tab in the Hall of Fame screen that shows the results for each version of the game.

That way it would be completely separate games and in fact might offer even more game play since people could then try and beat the game in both versions.
Lr100 has totally nailed it!

I think that Rogue Touch is at its edge, I mean that with v 1.1 I'm also affraid it become too easy (superweapons) and adding more stuff would take away the classic rogue feeling. Obviously adding more features would attract more customers but would also turn away purists.
To keep old players and to gain more, I'd say that adding a "New Enhanced Game" and "New Classic Game", as Lr100 said, is a priority to be added ASAP!(on version 1.2 if possible)

On the other side, V 1.1 Looks very promising. Can't wait to try it!
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Re: Feature Requests for Rogue Touch

Post by Detzlink »

Zakia wrote:a) A scroll that will allow you to transform ammunition/thrown items into one type. This will make people who prefer ranged combat more confident (Ammunition/Thrown items are awefully rare) in taking that choice of attack.

EX: You have 12 crossbow bolts, 2 arrows, and a bow. You can use a scroll of transformation to change either the 2 arrows into 2 bolts, or 12 bolts into arrows. You would obviously transform the bolts, making what seems like useless baggage useful.
(I can't explain it better)
That, for example, would go on Enhanced Mode :D
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Re: Feature Requests for Rogue Touch

Post by Zakia »

I don't really care what goes where, as long as I can use the new features.
CommanderData wrote:Settings for Version 1.1. Now you can play it your way ;)
For better customization, V1.1 features can be turned on/off in the settings menu. Slightly more customizable.
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Re: Feature Requests for Rogue Touch

Post by CommanderData »

Yes, we're definitely on the edge here of making too many changes.

A bit more detail on "super weapons" and such. A couple of you have found some extreme weapons or armor: a +5,+5 Two Handed Sword, and another found +5 Plate Mail! In version 1.1 weapons will never be found with greater than +3,+3. Most equipment follows normal Rogue rules that will provide you with only a +1, 2, or 3 on a single stat on randomly discovered weapons (ie- up to a +3, +0 Mace, or +0, +3 Dagger will be laying on the floor). So you see, we actually tipped things back slightly from version 1.0.

Before any other new items or shops or things like that appear we'll be sure to create an "advanced mode". It might simply be a toggle in the options. We haven't gotten that far yet (still waiting to see 1.1 go live!). This two-in-one game approach will greatly expand the replayability at the cost of some new sales, but I figure you guys are worth it :D Plus if we make this really cool hopefully you'll be on board to buy our future games :lol:

Zakia-interesting idea about the magic scroll. A shop could also alleviate the ammo problems if it appeared at the right time. Maybe an even better magic scroll would be a "Full Quiver" scroll that when read would give you +random(X) ammo for your currently equipped weapon. All of this of course would fall into the "advanced" game mode.

Searching- pressing search once scans each of the eight points around you. The randomizer gives you a 25% chance of finding something in each of those individual squares, one by one. You'd think this would work out a lot better than it does! However, you (and even I) have seen cases where the randomizer flips coins against you *many* times in a row. We'll see if we can make that behave a bit better for everyone's sake.
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Bug vs Feature

Post by shadowspawn »

I like the idea of Classic/Enhanced modes (aka Rogue vs Rogue-like), and/or a difficulty setting. I bought RogueTouch partly because it is a close descendent of the original Rogue and not some random derivative. However, I think pure Rogue is too tough for many people and for casual gaming, and I also enjoyed the richer descendants.

Bug vs feature. Even with Classic/Enhanced are still lots of areas where it is not clear whether it is a bug, or a feature true to the original game. This is one area where documentation can help a little, being able to find it is indeed by-design. Good examples of by-design which have come up are availability of food, full round to remove armor, room layout on floor, mazes. Good examples of debatable areas are traps in front of doors, and having bad luck searching.

Difficulty. I think Classic is a blast from the past for anyone exposed to the original or even its descendants. I think it is a bit too tough for casual players. For example, you have to survive and play on to discover that using unknown potions and scrolls is identifying them for future discoveries. Starving to death is a learning experience for serious gamers, but no fun at all for a casual gamer. People want to try some of the powerful items without spending days of struggling to survive on standard equipment.

Classic vs Enhanced. How many people have asked for shops!? Enhancements will be popular, and you might have to strike a balance between expanding RogueTouch and moving onto Angband.